
Would you rather Move objects by thought OU Stop time

Would you rather Summer OU Winter

Would you rather Black OU White

Would you rather Spring OU Autumn

Would you rather Hogwarts (Harry Potter) OU Westchester (X-men)

Would you rather Army OU Cops

Would you rather History OU Geography

Would you rather Live forever OU To die at 100 years

Would you rather Play this game OU Take charge of your life

Would you rather Wake up OU fall asleep

Would you rather Fruit OU Vegetable

Would you rather To be able to understand a language but not to be able to speak it OU To be able to speak a language without understanding it

Would you rather Dress before breakfast OU Breakfast before getting dressed

Would you rather Sweet eating OU Spicy eating

Would you rather Have a dog OU Have a kid

Would you rather Half-full glass OU The half-empty glass

Would you rather Have the power to kill just by touching a person OU Have the power to bring the dead back to life

Would you rather Drink Coca OU Drink Oasis

Would you rather Eating spinach OU Eat a pigeon

Would you rather Make you scratch OU Make you slap

Would you rather Listen to people's thoughts OU Teleport from one place to another

Would you rather Have an iphone/TV and apple computer OU A trip to New York for 1 week

Would you rather Die while playing on the computer OU Live without ever doing anything with your life

Would you rather French fries OU Pasta

Would you rather Start classes at 8 o'clock and finish at 12 o'clock OU Start at 13h and finish at 17h

Would you rather To say that the egg was the first OU To say that the chicken was the first

Would you rather Chocolate OU Chips

Would you rather To die and leave your mother alive OU Stay alive and let your mother die

Would you rather Have a tapestry with dogs on it OU Have a tapestry with food on it

Would you rather Halloween OU Christmas

Would you rather Cheetah OU Panda

Would you rather Do not have friends OU Do not have family

Would you rather Have a dog 3 meters high OU Have a cat 3 meters wide

Would you rather Eat mussels with curry sauce OU Eat snails with barbecue sauce

Would you rather Have a Pokemon as a pet but have 1. OU Have a cat as a pet but have 10.

Would you rather Nutella OU jam

Would you rather Chocolate OU The candies

Would you rather Minecraft in real life OU GTA in real life

Would you rather Your phone OU Your television

Would you rather Traveling in the future OU Change the past

Would you rather The question before OU You can not wait to see the next question

Would you rather No more remembering you OU That you do not remember anybody anymore

Would you rather Blue eyes OU Brown eyes

Would you rather That your video cuts every 5 seconds OU It takes an hour to load

Would you rather Tomorrow OU Yesterday

Would you rather Miss toilet paper OU Miss toothpaste

Would you rather To be beautiful, rich, but not to have family (no child, husband, house) OU Being ugly, and having a family (having children, a husband, a house)

Would you rather Unicorn OU Baboon

Would you rather Have a super-powerful PC OU Have a super-powerful laptop

Would you rather Take a slap OU A punishment of 100 lines

Would you rather Vomit a rainbow OU Chipping glitter

Would you rather Get carried away by a hurricane OU To drown you

Would you rather The amusement parks OU The rink

Would you rather money OU The women

Would you rather Red OU Blue

Would you rather The mangas OU The comics

Would you rather Roleplay OU A funny game

Would you rather A chair OU A stool

Would you rather Pokemon cards OU Yugiho cards

Would you rather Have green hair OU Have the green tongue

Would you rather Cops OU Firefighter

Would you rather That superheroes exist OU That pokemons exist

Would you rather North America, France, Japan, United Kingdom, India, China, Australia OU South America, Africa, Arabia, Russia, Korea

Would you rather English OU Spanish

Would you rather The rain OU Hail

Would you rather Green beans OU White beans

Would you rather Italy OU Portugal

Would you rather To have an affair with a thankless star OU To have an affair with a normal and adorable person

Would you rather The good ones OU The villains

Would you rather Living in the ghost state OU Have to feed exclusively with blood to survive

Would you rather Eat wheat OU Drink coffee with cinnamon

Would you rather Having to touch a snake OU Having to touch a mygale

Would you rather Eat junk food every day and become fat OU Eat only fruits and vegetables for the rest of your life and be healthy

Would you rather To laugh all your life OU Sing your whole life

Would you rather To be very fat OU Very hairy

Would you rather Soft toys OU Toys

Would you rather English music OU French music

Would you rather Take a bath of ice cubes OU A manure bath

Would you rather Say hello while it's evening OU Say goodnight while it's morning

Would you rather The Lord of the Rings OU Harry Potter

Would you rather To be a writer OU Being a singer

Would you rather Green color OU Blue color

Would you rather Speak everyday with the person you hate the most in the world OU Sing the pokemon credits when someone says your name

Would you rather Bread OU Wine

Would you rather Being insomniac OU Sleep a whole weekend

Would you rather Have Pikachu as a pet OU a unicorn

Would you rather Have all the powers of the world but can only use them once a year OU Have a single power but use it up to 10 times a year

Would you rather Have red hair OU Have white hair

Would you rather Black OU The White

Would you rather A triangle with 4 sides OU A square with 3 sides

Would you rather Being alone to be right OU Agree with everyone and be wrong

Would you rather Every person you look at, she dies instantly OU Every person you look at makes you a monstrous knee stroke in the balls

Would you rather Being Chinese OU Being Japanese

Would you rather A world without music OU A world without TV

Would you rather Ascend OU Go down

Would you rather See a fish in the air OU See a bird in the water

Would you rather 1, 2, 3, go! OU 3, 2, 1, go!

Would you rather Talking too loudly, people clog their ears all the time OU Have ears 20 centimeters in diameter

Would you rather Swimming in the ocean OU Swimming at the municipal swimming pool

Would you rather To be pregnant OU Have powers

Would you rather To copy OU Paste

Would you rather Have ants in the legs, but real ants OU Have a cat in the throat, but a real cat